Thursday, 23 May 2013

The CWSF-ESPC 2013 was in Lethbridge

3 of the 4 Lethbridge Winners CWSF 2013

The Canada Wide Science Fair came to Lethbridge. Imagine the energy from 481 young Canadian scientists, 340 expert Judges, 165 Delegates, 3750 visitors (many were school children) and 200+ dedicated volunteers.  For many of us, it left an indelible image of just how smart and positive youth can be.  My role was greatly aided by Dr Marc Roussel, Dept of Chemistry and by Mr Dominic Mudiayi, former laboratory colleague.  The University of Lethbridge was the host for the CWSF. The UoL showcased its campus and placed it firmly on the map for the next generation of Canadian scientists and engineers.  The entire CWSF was major operation run by Youth Science Canada, the National Judging Committee and the Local Host Committee, who had an addition role in leading the regional science fair. It was a lot of work, but clearly the future of science benefits from this effort.  To learn more about the projects presented at the CWSF, visit the virtual CWSF website and see the  winners.